Wir haben diese Tour bereits zwei Mal gemacht. Es war mega. Die Crew ist super nett, gehen auf die einzelnen Bedürfnisse ein, das Boot ist neu, die Kabinen sauber. Schnorcheln und Schnubbertauchen, ausreichend Essen und Trinken alles inklusive. Einfach nur zu empfehlen. Der Chef Sambo ein lustiger und netter Mann.
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San Jovinne
the trip today with san jovinny boat was amazing trip in corl garden place
with amazing snorkeling guide..jafar.. he really so professional he care about everyone i really feel safe with my children we like a lot the team work and we will come again for sure thanks
for sambo diving center thanks for nice food nice trip nice people.. you are the best guys
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Amazing time :)
It was amazing trip in coral garden today :) ! We had very professional snorkeling guide..Jafar.. He really cares a lot about safety and healthy. I really appreciate his engagement, team work and skills. We had so much fun , saw a lot of dolphins and spend an amazing day!For sure we will come back :)!5 * for really professional diving center ! Thanks to all team for everything!
Everything was perfect ❤️
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Unser Trip nach Satayeh
Ich möchte mich nochmals herzlichst bei der tollen Truppe die uns beim Ausflug begleitet hat, bedanken.
Ich kann die Crew mit Shady, Mohamed, Capitän und allen Mithelfenden nur jedem ans Herz legen, die Tour mit Sambodivers ist auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen. Wir hatten die tollsten Tage und ich erinnere mich gerne daran zurück. Al Barbara
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Exzellenter Ausflug
Excellent excursion and excellent team. Guides were very sensitive and helpful to children. Snorkeling was a dream, dolphins, turtles and a wonderful lively coral garden seen. We felt safe and well looked after throughout. The boat was very well maintained and the food in community was very good.