Blue Shark
The Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) is a large, streamlined shark that inhabits the open ocean. While less common in the Red Sea compared to other shark species, it’s still a thrilling encounter for divers who venture into deeper waters. Physical Characteristics: Size: Can grow up to 4 meters (13 feet) in length. Coloration: Deep […]
Tiger Shark
The Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) is a large, powerful shark known for its distinctive dark stripes. While less common in the Red Sea compared to other shark species, it’s still a thrilling encounter for divers who venture into deeper waters. Physical Characteristics: Size: Can grow up to 5.5 meters (18 feet) in length. Coloration: […]
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
The Oceanic Whitetip Shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) is a large, powerful shark that inhabits the open ocean. While less common in the Red Sea compared to other shark species, it’s still a thrilling encounter for divers who venture into deeper waters. Physical Characteristics: Size: Can grow up to 3.5 meters (11.5 feet) in length. Coloration: […]
Hammerhead Shark
The Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna spp.) is one of the most recognizable shark species in the world, and Marsa Alam’s Red Sea is a prime location to spot these fascinating creatures. With their distinctive hammer-shaped heads, these sharks are highly specialized predators. Physical Characteristics: Hammer-Shaped Head: This unique head shape allows for enhanced sensory perception, […]
Grey Reef Shark
The Grey Reef Shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) is a common sight in the crystal-clear waters of Marsa Alam’s Red Sea. Known for its sleek, streamlined body and distinctive black-tipped fins, this shark is a skilled predator that plays a vital role in the marine ecosystem. Physical Characteristics: Size: Typically grows up to 2.6 meters (8.5 […]
Whitetip Reef Shark
The Whitetip Reef Shark (Triaenodon obesus) is a common inhabitant of the coral reefs in Marsa Alam’s Red Sea. Unlike many other shark species, this shark is known for its docile nature and its distinctive white-tipped fins. Physical Characteristics: Size: Typically grows up to 2 meters (6.6 feet) in length. Coloration: Gray to brownish-gray […]
Blacktip reef shark
The Blacktip Reef Shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) is a common sight in the warm, tropical waters of Marsa Alam’s Red Sea. Known for its distinctive black tips on its dorsal and caudal fins, this shark is a graceful predator that plays a crucial role in the marine ecosystem. Physical Characteristics: Size: Typically grows up to 1.6 […]